Unlike the Economic Census, which is published every five years, County Business Patterns (CBP) is an annual series providing state, county and metropolitan statistical area economic data by industry sector. It includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll by detailed industry. It also provides the number of establishments, by employment-size classes, by detailed industry in the U.S. This data is extracted from the Business Register, a database of all known single and multi-establishment employer companies maintained and updated by the U.S. Census Bureau. Data is provided for the state and counties for 2016 at the two digit NAICS code level at the bottom of this page.
Zip Code Business Patterns (ZBP) provides business data at the zip code level. It provides the total number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll for all industry sectors. It also provides the number of establishments by employment-size classes by detailed industry in the U.S.
The CBP provides data on businesses with paid employees. Businesses with no paid employees that are subject to federal income tax are included in the Nonemployer Statistics. To provide a total employment picture in the state, the Nonemployer Statistics supplements the CBP by providing the additional self-employment and those establishments not reported in the CBP program. Nonemployer Statistics is also an annual series providing state, county and metropolitan statistical area economic data by industry sector. It includes the number of businesses and total receipts by NAICS codes. All of the data can be used in studying economic activity of small areas.
In 2016 there were 122,042 nonemployer businesses in New Mexico with an average of $39,356 in receipts in that year. Besides other services, The Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector is the largest sector of nonemployer businesses in the state at 13.5%. In terms of gross receipts (sales), the Real Estate and Rental and Leasing sector contributes 22% of total receipts, with 12,281 nonemployer establishments.
Compared to the approximately 43,771 employer establishments in 2016, nonemployer establishments make up about 73.6% of all establishments in the state. The ratio of employer establishments to nonemployer establishments is 1:3: for every one employer establishment there are three nonemployer establishments in the state.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, EPCD
The bar chart above shows nonemployers’ share of total establishments across industry sectors in New Mexico in 2016. The Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting sector holds the largest share in nonemployer establishments implying that out of all the establishments in the sector, 94% are nonemployers. The Accommodation and Food Services sector along with the Utilities sector has the lowest share of nonemployers (for every 100 establishments in the sector, 32 are nonemployer businesses).
Data on CBP and Nonemployer statistics at state, metropolitan statistical area, and county levels are available for download below.
2016 CBP for New Mexico, Counties, and MSAs
2016 Nonemployer Statistics for New Mexico and Counties
Data on different geographies and zip code level can be viewed here