Featured Stories Archive: January, 2018

29 Jan, 2018
A vibrant entertainment and night life was one of the key economic development strategies of the Lovington Metropolitan Redevelopment Plan (MRA). The MRA process engaged community members in prioritizing increased business opportunities.
20 Jan, 2018
The Town of Mountainair received landscape design and placemaking assistance through NMMS’s Frontier Communities Initiative to transform an empty lot into a cohesive and walkable space.
19 Jan, 2018
Raton became the first Great Blocks on MainStreet project designed to catalyze three core blocks of their MainStreet District.
18 Jan, 2018
The Economic Development Department hosted their second annual Job Creators Day at the New Mexico State Capitol on January 18, 2018. It was an opportunity for local business owners, employees, economic developers, and legislators to come together and celeb
1 Jan, 2018
Lavu Inc., an Albuquerque homegrown point-of-sale software company, is in the middle of another expansion.