Economic growth
starts locally.

Programs, incentives, and resources to help you think, dream, and do.


Regional representatives are the heroes of our team, they serve every corner of the state and are ready to answer your questions, help you navigate incentives, get technical assistance, and more.

CBRD Team Leader: Jennifer Myers | (505) 660-5371 | [email protected]

Northwest New Mexico:
Lorraine Ruggles
(505) 490-7662
[email protected]

Keegan Mackenzie-Chavez
(Tribal Liaison)
(505) 699-4966
[email protected]

Central (Albuquerque & Surrounding Area)
Yuriria Morales
(505) 479-2308
[email protected]

Beth Waldrip
[email protected]

Southwest New Mexico:
Louise Marquez
LEDA Specialist
(575) 430-1232
[email protected]

Julia Brown
(575) 419-0499
[email protected]

Northeast New Mexico:
Tim Hagaman
(505) 862-2322
[email protected]

North Central New Mexico:
Peter Mitchell
(505) 570-7796
[email protected]

Paige Ryan
[email protected]

Southeast New Mexico:
Jim Lucero
(575) 749-5336
[email protected]

Kevin Wilson
(575) 416-7709
[email protected]


Business Retention & Expansion Program
get technical assistance and advice on how
to grow your business

Local Economic Development Act (LEDA)
learn more about how the program applies to
projects across infrastructure/improvement, job
creation, and retail

Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP)
reimburses 50-75% of new employee wages
up to 6 monthsto grow your business

FUNDIT New Mexico
submit your local project to see which agencies,
resources, and funding opportunities are a fit

New Mexico MainStreet
A state hosted program that works with local communities to create an economically viable business environment while preserving cultural and historic resources

NM Arts & Cultural Districts, Frontier &
Native American Communities Initiative
locally driven initiatives of NM MainStreet
designed to showcase, engage, and amplify
communities across the state

A Land for Dreamers

for Builders

for Entrepreneurs

for Putting Down Roots